What’s up?
It is time for summercamp with Ung Pirat – Young Pirates of Sweden.
Trees, grass and late Swedish summer.
Meet new friends, discuss politics, play boardgames or just hang around.

When & where?
August 12-15th
Lärsätersgården, in the woods outside Köping. Two hours north-west of Stockholm

Can I come? How much does it cost?
The camp is free of charge for all members of YPS living in Sweden. We also cover travel expenses.

I am a member of the young pirates in [insert country here] Can I visit?
Each nordic YP-organization (Finland, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark) can send one representative free of charge. We will cover all expenses, including travel.
If your organization wants to send more than one participant that is fine too, but then YPS will instead only cover costs for travel within Sweden.
(You or your organization will pay for your flight/boat/train to Stockholm. All other expenses will be paid by us.)

What about Covid?
At this time we have good reasons to hope and believe that the situation will allow an event of this type to take place in August.
We are closely monitoring the situation in Sweden and our neighbouring countries.
If we at a later date have reasons to make a new assessment, the event will be canceled or postponed.
We are dedicated to only go through with this event if it can be done in a safe and responsible way.

How do I sign up?
Sign up is now closed.